Compensation and Equity Calculator

Startup compensation can be particularly confusing, so we built a tool at Front to help candidates make informed decisions.

How it works

Input the values in the calculator below to estimate the value of your equity package. Please note that this document is not a guarantee of anything, it is only a tool to help you estimate the potential value of your equity.


Salary component

Gross yearly salary in USD

Equity component

Stock options granted, vested over 4 years

Expected company valuation

The value at which the company will exit

Expected additional dilution

Share owned by future investors

Strike price

Price at which you can purchase your options

Final value of one share

Expected valuation / final # of shares

Number of fully diluted shares

Existing shares at the time of the offer

Spread of your options

Final share value minus your strike price

Package value

After 4 years
from salary $0
from equity $0
total $0
from salary $0
from equity $0
total $0

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