A true Executive Assistant must do over 100 things well. A stellar Executive Assistant must think of every detail for every function such as calendar management, travel planning, meeting preparation and execution, and e-mail management. Those are just the fundamentals.

Top-performing executive assistants or administrative assistants must also be:


Working in this profession can be very rewarding if you choose to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks. Executive assistants can create the type of career they want today. They can choose to expand their job right where they are now. An assistant can strive to be a strategic business partner with his or her executive, but it takes work.

If you are considering being an executive assistant, keep in mind the opportunities can be limitless.

If you have been in the administrative profession for 25+ years, know that you can keep growing, expanding and learning. In fact, you need to continually learn and grow.

If you have been in the administrative profession around 10 years, think about what you can do to add more interest to your job. Also, be sure to set goals for where you want to be in 3 years and 5 years.

Let’s all remember, this is a Career of Choice. It should not be something you are just doing until something better comes along.

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